czwartek, 29 września 2011

Oh God, I've been soooooooooooooooooooooooo busy ltely! With friends and Dad visit for my last few days in Barcelona, planning a romantic last weekend in Span with my boyfriend that eventually failed, because of some complication at work, packing up my life, going back to Poland (of course half of it sick ^^ I caught a cold that changed into a virus throat infection that evoluated into bacterial infection that started to attack my pulmones - I'm the best pokemon when it comes to evolution of illness) and starting my University..

I'm officially a Japanese Studies major now, finishing my first week of lectures ^^ I kinda enojoy my course but my life is soo boring now! No more parties every day, no more nice weather, no more going out wit my gal friends :( everything is back to normal, and I miss the sun, and I miss my friends and the smiles we shared.. And most of all I miss my boyfriend. I have some issues and can't seem to fall asleep alone easily anymore...

All of this mess should explain my terrible abscence :D However I have some stuff coming up! :) It's been almost 2 months since I'm using Skin79 VIP Gold BB Cream and I want to share my opinion with you guys; I also have some new make up supply and still a lot of pending posts about BARCELONA!

Hope my life in Poland will get more and more interesting and colorful with more pictures to share.. My University building is probably the ugliest and least interesting Uni building in the whole universe but maybe nice lectures can make it into a nice place.

ALSO I've almost forgot!
Since I'm not working at UDON anymore, I can do my NAILS :D Can't wait to grow them longer and make them colorful and crazy sick again...

3 komentarze:

  1. a gdzie masz zajęcia? ahahaha najbrzydsze budynki są na szamarzewie :P musiałaś ich jeszcze nie widzieć :P mam nadzieje że niedługo się spotkamy na jakiejś kawie/piwie/babeczce? XD

  2. Kurczę, szczerze zazdroszczę Ci życia takiego....podróże, przebywanie za granicą...a nie jak ja, siedzę w Polsce, gdzie praktycznie nic nie ma, ani fajnych ubrań, ani jedzenia fajnego, do tego szara rzeczywistość, gdzie każdy Cię linczuje wzrokiem, jeśli wyglądasz inaczej:/

  3. @Arianna ja mam zajecia na HCP, jest tam zaiste pieknie :P tzn w srodku nie jest tak zle, ale z zewnatrz wybitnie przeraza..
    I tak! Jestem za babeczka, tudziez kawa, tudziez drnkiem, po piwa nie lubie :P

    @Gyaruru na razie jestem w Polsce i nie ruszam sie za wiele.. a zazdroscic nie ma czego, tesknota za miloscia i tamtym zyciem po prostu zzera kazdego dnia..
